Wonder what it looks like in the marketing think-tanks at Nikon and Canon right now. Is anyone getting any sleep? What should we, the camera buying public look for before making our purchase?
The Battle
If you check the sales in Entry Level Digital SLRs right now, you will find that Nikon is holding a slight edge over Canon at the number one sales spot on Amazon. But right behind is Canon at the second and third spots. Number four and five are... Nikon, again.
Here are the ratings:
1. Nikon D3000
2. Canon EOS Rebel T1i
3. Canon EOS Rebel XSi
4. Nikon D5000
5. Nikon D90
It does appear that the marketing departments are working overtime as we approach the biggest sales period of the year. And there is good reason. There is much at stake here. If you watch prime time TV, it is clear that both manufacturers are investing major $$$ in advertising right now, and it is targeting their top sellers in the Digital SLR market.
The Breakdown
So how does that affect us, the consumers? How do we evaluate the cameras?
It's really a crazy situation because the differences are difficult to find. But let's focus on the top 4 sellers.
There are two categories - Inexpensive:hereafter referred to as Cheap and Very Inexpensive: aka Dirt Cheap.
When you are looking to buy in the semi-pro market, cheap equates to something under $1000, and Dirt Cheap is under about $700.
A closer look:
Dirt Cheap - Nikon D3000 vs Canon XSi - similar feature sets, excellent image quality, NO video mode
Cheap - Nikon D5000 vs Canon T1i - slightly better image processor than the Dirt Cheap models, but the major difference is that they include HD video.
Does it matter which brand you choose? Absolutely not, unless you already have lenses for one or the other. If you do have some lenses, it will benefit you to stick with that brand of camera.
The Bottom Line
So the bottom line is that the advertising gets your attention. Buying a Digital SLR based on the advertisement that impresses you will not be a problem. You WILL get an excellent camera and a good deal. No second guessing necessary here.
Side-by-side comparisons
CLICK - Dirt Cheap DSLRs
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